Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Removing Scars In Stomach

School 2008

Go October 2 to 19 pm at the Bains-Douches

Friday, September 19, 2008

Pain In Ovary During Ovulation

the opening credits of season !!!!!!!!

with the kind participation of Goldy

(which is fine, do not worry)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Yamaha Waverunner Vx Deluxe 110

Season Opening!

Here we go ... the return ... the 2008-2009 season ...

Already 19 years from September to June, the theater bathhouse offers ten shows very different, preferring the desire for discovery and enjoyment of the public.

19 years as the "Bains-Douches" prove an exceptional meeting place between people of different backgrounds. This is probably due to the friendliness of the place, the spirit that animates and renewed pleasure to welcome you ...
So to celebrate as it should be this new adventure,

Theatre des Bains-Douches is conducting its a cabaret evening and invite you:

the opening night of the season
Saturday, September 20 from 20.30
(entrance free, booking advised)
the decor: there will be lanterns, the Flonflon, tables , roses ...
side show: you will be pleased to discover Guénédal Maud, a young French singer, in line with Keren Ann (read more: http://www.myspace.com/maudl ) In short, an exceptional evening for discover an artist and an exceptional season!

We hope to celebrate and share this evening with the greatest number of you!
Sincerely, Betty Marais

for Team Bains-Douches

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rape In Japan Train In Japan Movie

It's back!


Here we are, time of school went off, Theatre opens its doors to the 2008-2009 season.

Administrative offices are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm and from 14h to 18h to learn, get information about subscriptions, programming, but also the school (children, teenagers or adults, we welcome everyone!).

Above Mark your calendar the date of Saturday, September 20, 20h30: Théâtre his costume is a cabaret night to welcome the singer Maud Guénédal ( www.myspace.com / maudl ) and to present the season. A magical evening, exceptional, unique to wish you welcome the new Bains-Douches!

