Monday, June 7, 2010

Sample Of Welcome Note On A Party

Monday night underground

Still shovel and pick in that damn hole and the fourth is almost finished ... Normally Wednesday night we should have finished the phase of digging ... Then it sort of rollers, transport rollers, receptions of various useful materials for the plant and setting up ... What almost done;)

Tuesday evening beginning preparation of sliding doors and partitioning of the shower and still few shovel, yeah!

Invitation To The Fashion Show

The shower, then 2 ...

I continue to put the china, (at my pace, lol)
I drool a bit, but hey, it's going ...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Men In Ladies Underwear Films

weekend loaded again: We had to move the digging of the plant and a little inside (kitchen and tiled shower and a finish) ... as it is an addictive activity, is the pick and shovel with the most bombastic our hands. The tile is finished, the wall of the shower has grown, it will be finished this week.
A surprise Sunday afternoon: the battens on the facade which is barred in peanuts ... Tomorrow, we will be a subject of discussion now Bernon, nothing serious, but must be repaired. For phyto
, Saturday a few hours of hoeing and even punishment for Sunday and here almost four holes properly. We will check the depth with the imminent arrival of the tanks.

There the landed roof ... to repair.
And then pictures of holes:


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mouth Sore Awwek After Tooth Extraction

holes still in life to do his hole

is still more we must do ... For the plant, you need a pond and 5 4 hole cram the bins horizontal filter.
The pool was started a few months to get the clay ... which is now in the mud brick wall of the corridor and wall behind the stove.
Tuesday evening was cleaning the hole of the pool until 21:30. Tonight
start holes for the tanks ... almost completed the first hole at 22:00.

Plantage stakes to position the plant ...

The pond, almost a meter deep in the middle, 2.30m wide and about 3m30.

The first hole for the bins, 1.80m diameter about 40 cm deep in the center.