end of the break absence If some could get impatient at not seeing pictures of the progress of work, we will try tonight to free them from this expectation untenable. In fact, moving, vacations and other events have allowed this blog no longer be fed.
Tonight we will light a few photos and two three explanations.
On the eastern side, a cold air outlet, mosquito nets and an applique adorn the wall.
few blisters, aches and gallons of sweat to get a reduced vegetation.
The southern wall with a stove pipe and all that he had already ...
A little piece of the south face.
A pond full ... with a member of the orchestra frog.
The pool and larger.
The phtyo: four bins that filters the wastewater from the home.
The hallway and a door almost over.
The living room: we see not but there are two babes who s'matte kung fu panda the big TV.
The kitchen: work plan and framiré gross amount siporex ... is not finished, it must still install curtains and shelves.
cooking yet: SIPO same, such framiré, sink and faucet old coating that works wonders.
Rooms: Meetings closet this weekend: 20 meter cutting circular saw and 10 hours of screwing ... Closet 1: Board of sweats.
Closet 1: chamber sue
Closet 2: room hervech
Closet 2: room hervech
Closet 2: room Cecelia.
Closet 4: Chamber of us
The shower in the bathroom. This is not a coaster even if it has crossed the inning.
The hot water tank: beautiful piece, is right?
you soon, the next update will adhere to a more reliable frequency ... I hope.