can use white vinegar for household use at a lower cost services that can make the white vinegar are more massive and no pollution by chemicals.
Here are a few fields of use:
1 - To clean the limestone at the joints, faucet or any trace of limestone in a pot, or otherwise use white vinegar. Place the vinegar, wait for it to act, and rinse with water.
2 - While the products are relatively expensive panes you can use white vinegar to clean her windows cheaper. This makes them shine and leaves no traces, more vinegar perfectly degreased.
3 - To soften the laundry put some white vinegar into the pan laundry softener. It leaves no odor, removes all traces of detergents and preserves the colors.
4 - can also clean many things including his refrigerator, wash with water and soap dishes, then go after a rag soaked in white vinegar and pass it across the fridge it is a good antibacterial and very cheap!
5 - Put in place of rinse aid in your dishwasher and you have glasses super bright (more than with the rinse and especially 10 times cheaper!).
6 - You can also disinfect the toilet and bathroom, can be mixed with a drop of lemon (the smell).
7 - You can even use it to "stretch" of small metal parts, soak the metal all night and the next it shining like new!
8 - Revive old sponges by washing them in vinegar water, then let them soak overnight in one liter of water mixed with 1 / 4 glass of vinegar.
9 - Use vinegar to polish up the metal. Mix 1 / 4 glass of vinegar in a quart of water to clean the metal screen, doors, and aluminum furniture. Add a little more vinegar if your water has a high mineral content.
10 - Your glasses are easy to clean and remain without a trace if you use water mixed with a dash of vinegar.
11 - Clean your microwave by boiling vinegar. Mix 1 / 4 glass of vinegar and 1 cup water in small bowl and heat for 5 minutes. This eliminates odors that linger and soften food spills. A gust of damp cloth then.
12 - The brass will be cleaner if you use a mixture of lemon juice and vinegar in equal proportion. Use a paper towel to brush and polish with a dry cloth.
13 - In the kitchen, clean your worktops with pure white vinegar to prevent mold.
14 - To disinfect baby toys, use a little soap and warm water and a healthy dose of vinegar. Rinse thoroughly.
15 - For a floor cleaner, add a glass of vinegar in a bucket of wash water. Or, after be brushed, rinsed with clean water mixed with a glass of vinegar. It removes soap scum that tarnish its brightness.
16 - For your laundry, in addition to the usual detergent, add 1 / 4 glass of white vinegar to brighten colors and whites sparkling. It also serves as a softener and prevents mold growth. It also helps to kill the fungi found in the stockings of those who suffer from athlete's foot.
17 - The risk of vinegar to dissolve the wax found on the furniture or floor. To clean and polish, use very small amounts of vinegar. Use a stronger solution to get rid wax and stubborn stains.
18 - You can also add vinegar in a bucket when you wash new clothes for the first time. It helps to remove chemicals and their odors.
19 - A vinegar rinse is also used to reduce static cling and lint in clothes. Some stains will disappear after soaking in milk and vinegar in equal proportions.
20 - When you wash your vegetables, add a little vinegar and salt. Insects and snails will rise to the surface and microbes will be killed.
21 - A mixture of 1 / 4 cup oil flax, 1 / 8 glass of vinegar and 1 / 8 glass of whiskey is good for polishing furniture. The dirt seems to disappear gradually as the alcohol evaporates.
22 - A striped wood can be repaired with vinegar and tincture of iodine. In a small dish, mix the two ingredients in equal parts, then apply the mixture with an artist's brush. For a darker color, add iodine to a lighter color, turn benefit of vinegar.
23 - Scrub the leather with a mixture of 2 / 3 cup oil flax, 1 / 3 cup vinegar and 1 / 3 cup of water (as would Mononc Ray, that's 4 / 3! ). Beat everything well and apply it with a soft cloth. Then polished with a clean cloth.
24 - Brushes hardened by the old dried paint can be softened by boiling them in vinegar. Cover with boiling vinegar and just let them sit for an hour. Then, heat the vinegar with the brush, until the vinegar starts to bubble. Make "simmer" for 20 minutes. Rinse well and rid the hair of the softened paint. If the paint is very firmly embedded, it may need to repeat this procedure.
25 - Almost all the old wood adhesives can be detached once softened. Simply wet the area with vinegar and glued to keep it wet overnight. Even the greatest of all modern adhesives can be removed if they soak overnight in vinegar.
26 - To get rid of cooking odors, simmer uncovered 1 / 4 vinegar in a pan of water. For more freshness, add 1 / 2 tsp. teaspoon of cinnamon.
27 - White vinegar is also called white vinegar. It is colorless and is used to descale the coffee machine or other kettles.
28 - A tip it is also used for the windows with newspaper, it's super effective especially on the windows ...
So your house will feel the snack bar.
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