The customs and habits of English (Amelin and Celia)
customs and lifestyle of the English
In England, the main meal is hearty breakfast (breakfast) often took about eight hours: scrambled eggs, bacon, bread, coffee (or other beverage). For us, this looks more like a lunch. It is therefore understandable that they eat light lunch.
First English Breakfast
the evening, the English eat quite late, for the rich, they go out after work in bars (pubs) for a drink with colleagues before going home.
First on the road, the English do not roll right to left but unlike us.
In the car we can see that the wheel changes its position relative to us and to the right, which is understandable because they, doubled to right and we left. Everything is reversed.
What is rather strange for the French, the first time you go up to the front of the car is to be placed on the left, where there should be behind the wheel! When crossing a street, hurry up and be very careful because once the light is green for cars, they do not care if there are any pedestrians on passage and start right. Indeed, the fire goes first in England to orange before going green, unlike our lights. Therefore, the English are ready to go when the light turns green, as they have already begun the first to orange! must also remember to look at the bright side when you cross a street to see if a car arrives.
In England, the buses are red, often with two floors. Importantly, they are covered with advertisements of all kinds: clothing, film, etc ...
Bus by advertising for the film "17 Again"
English taxis are rarely the same, they are colorful but rarely have the same color, and wear them as advertisements.
At Oxford, students are prohibited from owning a car because they are far too many and that there was not enough parking. Therefore there is a lot of bikes.
The English:
When one is in France, one can notice that when you enter a store, sellers You say hello, or England is not the case (it is said that the English think of the French that they are thieves), it is possible that they are not rude but they are just wary us.
cities in England are very well protected, many video surveillance cameras are on the walls, it has good sides
- protection of the city, places
- quickly find criminals (theft, assault, rape ...)
- scene preservation
but also bad sides
- violation Privacy
- materials
- Maintenance and repair of equipment
The English are very protective of their country and their queen when they hold a lot and are very attention.
A guard standing guard at Buckingham Palace
The streets of England
In the streets, we have observed people trying to bring posters. This is a really tiring job they are paid to wear all day signs in height or on the back for advertising.
A man making the sandwich advertising for fast food
exist in France as the English, who live mainly in the street making cartoons, shows, animations, etc ...
Street Entertainment
The English are not used see the sun while at the slightest ray of sun, they come out holding was: T-shirt, barefoot ...
That seemed strange to us, the French who were still with our winter boots for some and our jackets and sneakers.
English wearing a T-shirt, a French tourist wearing a coat
Fashion in England is known to be more eccentric than in France.
Young English dressed in the fashion of England, a rainy day.
The English schoolchildren are among the few to wear the uniform again. We could not see much because the students were on school holidays during our stay. On some things, the English seem ahead of us and some do not.
They for example, are ahead of us on technology and security (CCTV camera on the walls of cities) but they remain "conservative" and "classic" about their customs are the same ones as always.
Article written by your favorite journalists: Améline L. (3E1) and Celia M. (3E1)