Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Feeling Dizzy After 10 Min Run

Romeo & Juliet


Theatre des Bains-Douches in May hosts the Workshop Theatre School of Ocean Gate for their show at the end of the year.

We are delighted to make available to these students, lovers of theater, our stage for six performances outstanding.

This workshop is for over fifteen years.
Powered by two professors, it hosts a dozen students from the classes of second, first and final.

Last year, they now consider a Summer Night, William Shakespeare, a work known as is a parody of Romeo & Juliet. This year, logically, they wanted to explore the directory and present you tragic Romeo & Juliet, Shakespeare always.

A piece that is no longer necessary to present but young actors to be discovered without delay! Come to meet them, you will not regret it!

Tuesday 19 Wednesday 20 Thursday 21 Friday 22 Saturday, May 23 at 20:30
Sunday, May 24 at 17h

Information and reservations: or bains-douches@wanadoo.fr


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